A MAN walked out of a pub and punched a church window causing £280 worth of damage.

Blackburn magistrates heard "divine intervention" may have been responsible for Martin Stephen Naylor severing arteries in his hand and having to spend two days in hospital.

Naylor, 36, of Bobbin Mill Terrace, Longridge, pleaded guilty to damaging a window belonging to Christ Church. He was given a conditional discharge for six months and ordered to pay £284 compensation, £85 costs and £22 victim surcharge.

Andy Robinson, prosecuting, said it appeared Naylor had made efforts to pay for the damage but without success.

Richard Prew, defending, said his client had been mugged in the pub and when he came out was unhappy and took it out on the church window.

"I don't know if it was divine intervention but he severed arteries in his hand," said Mr Prew.

"He was unable to work and as a result couldn't pay for the damage.

"He is now back at work and will gladly pay compensation."