A PUBLICAN towing his jet-ski to Fleetwood was involved in a head-on collision.

Blackburn magistrates heard the female driver of the other vehicle suffered multiple injuries including a fractured patella, ruptured diaphragm and internal bleeding and had suffered significant difficulties since the incident in August 2020.

Jordan Charles Kelly, 32, of Knotwood Court, Accrington, pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention. He was fined £138 with £85 costs and £34 victim surcharge. His licence was endorsed with five penalty points.

Eileen Rogers, prosecuting, said Kelly had pleaded guilty on a basis that was accepted by the prosecution. He was driving a Ford Transit towards Fleetwood towing a trailer with the jet-ski on.

He was travelling well within the speed limit following a black car which suddenly tried to make a right turn and braked late and hard.

Kelly had to brake sharply and his wheels locked and he skidded onto the other side of the road where he collided with oncoming traffic. He did not steer into the oncoming traffic on purpose.

"The black car was responsible for the incident but the defendant should have been keeping a safe distance for the speed," said Ms Rogers.

Aftab Bakhat, defending, said his client was the manager of the Lord Longworth in Oswaldtwistle.

If he got six penalty points he would be disqualified under the totting up procedure which would interfere with his employment.

"Endorsing his licence with five points would allow him to keep his livelihood and leave him knowing that any further points will lead to loss of his licence," said Mr Bakhat.