Police uncovered bags and bags of cannabis after a chase through woodland went terribly wrong for one man.

In the early hours of Saturday morning, police were alerted to a suspect vehicle in the Chorley area.

The vehicle sped-off from officers in the opposite direction.

Upon trying to flee the police, the driver crashed the car and then got out, running off into a wooded area.

Lancashire Telegraph: Bin bags full of cannabis

Officers searched the vehicle and found several bin bags full of suspected cannabis along with other items.

The driver was quickly caught up with and was detained not long after.

A spokesperson for the police said: "In the early hours and a suspicious vehicle sped away from an officer driving in the opposite direction.

"Vehicle crashes and driver fled into woodland.

Lancashire Telegraph: Bin bags full of cannabis

"Fantastic teamwork by Team 3 IR, Tac Ops, FIM and NPAS led to the driver being detained and reason for his actions being discovered."