THE majority of pictures we feature in Looking Back show events or well-known areas of East Lancashire.

These two photos are slightly different as they were actually taken for an advertising feature in the Evening Telegraph back in 1970.

They are of the show home of the new Park Farm estate which was under construction in the Feniscowles area of Blackburn.

These new family homes were on the market for around £4,400 - depending on the number of bedrooms - and many were semi-detached.

The picture of the living room is particularly fascinating. When you consider how a modern show home is styled to within an inch of its life, this seems so simple and even basic. An ornate table lamp appears to be the main decorative feature.

It’s a real time capsule of the Seventies with the patterned carpet and the living flame gas fire set into the fireplace and a display cabinet set into the alcove. There’s also an interesting looking picture hung over the fireplace

Notice too the ashtray on the mantlepiece - not something you would see in a show home today.

If a semi for less than five thousand pounds sounds like a bargain, remember this was more than 50 years ago. In 1970 the average weekly wage was around £32.

I’s interesting to compare some of the prices from that era to today.

You could order yourself a brand new Mini for £600 and a pint of lager was around 20p a pint. Twenty cigarettes were also around 20p a packet and a life of bread around 9p.

Two of you could go to the cinema and expect to get some change from a pound (unless you raided the pick and mix).

If you wanted to stay at home and watch one of the new colour TVs which were rapidly becoming popular a 22-inch Bush set would cost you around £290 although many people rented their TVs.