A WOMAN used a saucepan to smash the windows of a neighbour’s cars after she “lost it.”

Blackburn magistrates heard Terri-ann Thompson armed herself with a knife and a baseball bat during the protracted incident during which the victim feared for his life.

Thompson, 32, of Hey Head Avenue, Waterfoot, pleaded guilty to five charges of criminal damage and one of threatening Daniel Lees with a knife.

She was committed on bail to Burnley Crown Court to be sentenced on July 19.

Katie Lord, prosecuting, said Mr Lees was in bed with his wife when they were woken by someone shouting in the street at about 2am. He looked out and recognised Thompson who lived across the road.

He was disturbed a second time by banging on the door at which point Thompson was shouting she was going to smash everything.

Thompson went back to her house and emerged with a baseball bat at which point Mr Lees went out and tried to reason with her.

“While he was speaking to her his son managed to get behind her and take the bat off her,” said Miss Lord.

“She went into her house and Mr Lees thought everything would be alright until the police arrived. The next thing he looked out to see her using a pan to smash windows on his cars. She had a knife in the other hand.”

Miss Lord said when Mr Lees tried to stop Thompson causing further damage to his vehicles she pointed the knife at him and threatened to use it.

He retreated backwards towards his house and when she turned away he took the opportunity to run into his home and lock the door.

He then heard the repeated sound of windows being smashed before grabbing the baseball bat which had been taken off Thompson and going outside again. She was attacking his cars, an Audi, a BMW, a Toyota MR2, a Ford Motorhome and a Ford Kuga, with the pan.

With the help of his son they managed to force her back into her own home and waited for the police to arrive.

Laura Heywood, defending, said her client had mental health difficulties and it was clear they had played a part in the incident.

“At the time she hadn’t been taking her medication and she accepts that she simply lost it,” said Miss Heywood.

“Since this incident she is back on her medication and has significantly reduced her alcohol consumption.”