THIS exclusive picture shows 'cocky' thug Nathan Buckley taking a smiling selfie outside court - after avoiding jail for punching a pregnant woman at a house party.

In a victim statement read in court his victim said she was “devastated” by the assault and it ruined Christmas as she did not want her child or family to see her injuries.

Buckley, who has a criminal record for previous assaults, pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding.

The court heard he had punched his victim in the face and doused her in lemonade after she invited him to her house party.

Buckley was described as being “cocky” and “rude” at the woman's home and attacked her when he was asked to leave.

Lancashire Telegraph: Nathan Buckley leaving courtNathan Buckley leaving court

The woman, who was eight weeks pregnant at the time, suffered a wound to her face, fractured cheekbone and scratched cornea.

The full report of Buckley's shocking behaviour can be read here by clicking on the link below.

READ MORE: Thug spared jail after he punched pregnant woman in the face

Bolton Crown Court heard that, since the incident on December 22, 2018, 27-year-old Buckley has turned his life around, staying out of trouble, giving up drugs, repairing family relationships and getting a job where he has been promoted.

Judge Graeme Smith told him that the efforts he has made enabled him suspend his prison sentence.

The court was told Buckley had been using excessive amounts of cocaine and alcohol to mask mental health issues and described his arrest for the assault as a “wake-up call”.

Judge Smith sentenced Buckley to 12 months in prison, suspended for 18 months during which he will have to undertake 100 hours of unpaid work and participate in 20 days of rehabilitation activities plus a thinking skills programme.