The Blackburn Youth Zone, Arts 2 Heal and Community Solutions are among seven Lancashire groups who have been presented with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service.

The groups are included in the list of 241 charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to receive the award, which aims to recognise outstanding work by volunteer groups to benefit their local communities. It was created in 2002 to celebrate The Queen’s Golden Jubilee. 

Recipients are announced each year on June 2, the anniversary of The Queen’s Coronation.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Arts 2 Heal is a mental health charity based on James’s Street, Blackburn, which is transforming lives, providing mental health support and skill-building through an art-based approach.

Banu Adam from the group said: “I feel extremely privileged and proud of my team. The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service is an extremely prestigious award and I am delighted that the work we do at Arts 2 Heal has been recognised. I would like to say a huge thanks to our wonderful volunteers for their amazing generosity and dedication.”

Lancashire Telegraph:

Blackburn Youth Zone (BYZ) a 21st century youth hub located at the heart of the town. Since opening in 2012, BYZ has played a vital role in supporting young people and the community, supporting over 15,000 young people. 

Hannah Allen, Blackburn Youth Zone (BYZ) CEO said: “Although the Covid pandemic meant that we had to adapt and deliver in different ways, BYZ remained there for young people, through online activities, welfare calls and outreach activities, launching projects to support some of our most vulnerable families.

“Without the support of our incredible volunteers we would not have been able to provide the level of support we have done.”

“Our Volunteers are amazing— so selfless, encouraging, positive and, even after all the difficult Covid set-backs, they rose above it all. I am incredibly proud and thankful to lead the team at Blackburn Youth Zone who continue to inspire me every day; raising aspirations and changing young lives across the town.”

Lancashire Telegraph:

Community Solutions North West Ltd, Hyndburn, is a charity helping to support local communities to live healthier, happier lives and to reduce social isolation, loneliness and inequality.

The organisations currently has over 100 volunteers supporting their charitable work, which supports people who are lonely, socially isolated or in crisis and going through life changes. 2020 proved to be one of the most challenging years yet, with an increased demand on befriending and crisis services for the group, but volunteers went above and beyond supporting those in need across East Lancashire.

Last year, over 180 volunteers offered countless hours of their time to offer telephone and digital befriending services, deliver welfare packs, help people access local services and to offer support and guidance to over 2,000 local people and their families. Volunteers made 8561 telephone befriending calls and have delivered almost 1,000 welfare and wellbeing packs – including to those in hospital and alone, over the last twelve months

Deborah Clark, CEO of Community Solutions North West, said: “We are truly honoured to know that our amazing volunteers have been gifted this prestigious award. We would not be able to do all the work that we do without volunteers and for them to have all their hard work recognised is wonderful. We are extremely proud of them and thank them hugely for their efforts.”

Former Blackburn MP Jack Straw who is also Chairman of Blackburn Youth Zone said, “The Queen’s Award is simply fantastic news. It’s given everyone a real skip in their stride.

“Above all, this Award is for the young people of the Borough, our members. What I have missed more than anything during forced exile of the pandemic is to walk into the Youth Zone and to hear and feel the buzz of our young members, making every use they can of the wonderful opportunities we endeavour to provide.

“It is also a tribute to the vision of our founder, Andrew Graham MBE, (and CEO of the major local business, Graham & Brown) back in 2007, and who remains very active in the work of the Youth Zone as its Vice-Chair.”

Each of the groups will receive a certificate signed by the Queen and an exclusive commemorative crystal, presented by the Lord-Lieutenant of Lancashire, The Lord Shuttleworth KG KCVO, at a ceremony which will be held on September 15 at County Hall in Preston.

Furthermore, two volunteers from each of the groups will be invited to attend a garden party at Buckingham Palace in May 2022, depending on restrictions at the time, along with other recipients of this year’s award. 

Lord Shuttleworth said: “I am delighted that these groups’ work has been recognised in this way. During our assessment visits we were impressed by their achievements and commitment to their communities.”

“I very much hope that we will see more excellent groups nominated for the Award in the future. I know that the people of Lancashire will look at the brilliant and essential work that voluntary groups and charities have been doing and nominate for next year’s awards. The nomination window is now open.”

As well as Arts 2 Heal, Blackburn Youth Zone and Community Solutions North West, the following groups were also awarded in Lancashire.

Beyond Radio is providing a locally relevant information service alongside support for individuals, charities and community groups. 

Lancashire Youth Challenge, Lancaster is an organisation that is nurturing, supporting and challenging young people to overcome barriers and obstacles.

The Mid Lancs Colts Junior Football League, South Ribble, is a group providing grassroots football for over 3,000 children, promoting anti-racism through the kicking racism out of football programme.

The Olive Branch, Lancaster is a group supporting the distressed, marginalised and vulnerable, relieving hunger and enabling people to resolve their difficulties.