The Department of Health has decided that the free parking passes issued to frontline workers during the pandemic are due to be scrapped.

Once lockdown comes to an end, hopefully on June 21, the permits will no longer be legal to use. Currently, on duty NHS, health and social care workers plus any NHS volunteers are allowed to park for free at hospitals.

A representative from the Department of Health has said that new guidance states that parking is a local issue and that individuals should therefore speak to their local council chiefs as they are in a position to offer free hospital parking if they so wish to do so.

Saffron Cordey the deputy chief executive of the NHS Providers called the decision very disappointing and said the Government should keep its policy under review in case the roadmap needs to be changed in light of new data.

A number of nurses have said they will no longer be able to afford to drive to work and then pay to park if the permits are taken away.

In my opinion no one should have to pay to park in order to go to work especially NHS workers.

Not that long ago these NHS heroes were being applauded for going far beyond the call of duty.

Now it looks as though they are being victimised and cast aside.

Mrs L M Jackson