Councillor David Smith has informed me that the Coal Authority has withdrawn its objection to the proposed build on Bailey’s Field, Darwen.

This would seem to make it all right for the planning committee to agree, making it a foregone conclusion that the builders will be given permission to go ahead.

What they seem to have conveniently forgotten is that the Coal Authority has told them in no uncertain terms that it knows there are mine and ventilation shafts under the field, but have no idea how many or where they are - in effect washing their hands of the problem.

This leaves the planning committee to make the decision and when and if things start to go wrong, be mainly responsible along with the builders, for any damage or harm to the people having to work on a very dangerous site and the prospective buyers, who have no idea what is underneath their homes.

I hope that every member of the planning committee who votes for the development is prepared to accept personal responsibility, because the buck will stop with you.

Beryl Neale