A NURSERY manager has said she will have to close after being told they must vacate their home for the last four years.

Sharon Berry, of Humpty Dumpty’s Nursery, has been given notice to move from Darwen Valley Community Centre on Sudellside Street within six months and described the situation as ‘unjust’.

The community centre, which is run by a management board, said the decision was not taken lightly but they felt they ‘were unable to meet the growing needs of the community due to the large hall being largely unavailable for community use’.

Sharon said: “I just wanted to let people know the reason we will have to close.

“We have supported the local area during our time here. We have not only made a significant difference to the children and their extended families but also helped the employment statistics by recruiting from the area.

“We have also supported groups within the community centre by referring our families and encouraging them to use the few facilities the centre provided.”

The nursery temporarily closed between March and June last year due to lockdown and Sharon said they had received no financial assistance from the Government.

Sharon said: “We supported both our families by not charging for their child’s place and the community centre by continuing to pay full rent throughout lockdown and restrictions.

“As we returned in June we thoroughly cleaned the areas that we use, risk assessed and put Covid safety measures in place with no assistance or support from either the council or the community centre committee.”

Sharon said they had never had a case of Covid and felt the management board should have spoken to them before making the decision.

She said: “I was extremely disappointed that the Community Centre’s Committee didn’t speak with me directly and have still not done so. I feel that as we have been there before Covid, sharing facilities, and also been the only ones financially supporting the centre throughout the pandemic, the timing of our notice seems unjust and extremely unfair.”

A spokesperson for the Darwen Valley Community Management Board said: “ The community centre management board feel they are unable to meet the growing needs of the local community due the large hall being largely unavailable for community use. This is limiting our ability to expand the activities, classes and space to the community in a small building.

“This decision has not been taken lightly and the management board have provided the maximum amount of notice as required by the agreement with Humpty Dumpty’s nursery.

“They have provided a great nursery service and we hope they are successful in finding alternative premises and we have been informed that the council’s children’s services department will be supporting the nursery and the families affected by this in finding alternative provision.”

Sharon said they had not yet been able to find an alternative venue and the nursery, which looks after 16 children, will close in July as it was not worth continuing through the summer.

She added: “We have looked and continue to look for alternative premises in the area, sadly there is nothing available, that would be suitable, at present. However, if anyone knows of any buildings, please do not hesitate to contact us.

“May I take this opportunity to thank all parents/carers and children who have supported the nursery throughout its life and for giving us the opportunity of allowing us to be part of their child’s crucial foundation years.

“We would also like to express our gratitude to our outstanding staff both past and present for without them the nursery would never have been so successful.”