ROSSENDALE Council is clamping down on a rise in fly-tipping across the borough.

Operation Trident is aiming to educate residents, enforce the punishment of offenders and remove items dumped in prohibited areas.

Cllr Steve Hughes said of the action: “Operation Trident has allowed us to step up enforcement to tackle incidents quickly and effectively and the help provided by the general public in reporting these incidents is also crucial.

One of the operation's first acts saw enforcement officers investigate an incident on May 15 where two men in a white Vauxhall Combo van were filmed dumping furniture on Hutch Bank Road, Haslingden.

The vehicle owner, a 20-year-old man from Edenfield, was issued with a £400 fixed penalty notice nine days later.

Rossendale Council receives more than 900 fly-tipping reports a year from across the borough, totting up a cost of £40,000 to the council for the clean-ups.