Jordan North and actress Armeena Rana Khan were among those presented with special awards by the outgoing Burnley mayor.

Lord Wajid Khan invited those who have had a major impact on the town and the region to Burnley Town Hall for a socially distanced presentation.

During his mayoral year Lord Khan created the Mayor’s Medal Award to acknowledge and thank unsung heroes and nominations were sent in from community members and residents.

Radio 1 DJ Jordan was recognised for his continued support of the Pendleside Hospice.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Pictures: @LordWajidKhan and @jordannorth1

Lord Khan said: “It was an absolute pleasure to award Jordan North a Mayor’s Medal. Truly deserved. He is a true ambassador for our town and an absolute gentleman. We are all very proud of your amazing fundraising efforts for the Burnley people.”

I'm A Celebrity Star Jordan said: “Thank you so much to everyone who voted and nominated me for the Mayor’s Medal. It really does mean a lot, I feel very humbled.”

Armeena, who hails from Manchester, is one of the most recognisable faces in Pakistani film and TV. She took time out from her hectic schedule to visit the mayor’s parlour.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Pictures: @ArmeenaRK

Armeena, who has 2.1 million followers on Instagram, posted: “So humbled to receive a certificate for outstanding public service at Burnley Town Hall. Thank you Lord Wajid Khan and Lady Anam Khan for receiving my husband Fesl Khan and I today.”

Dr Yasara Naheed was acknowledged for  the 'great work done by the Primary Care Services during COVID-19'.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Pictures: @NaheedYasara

Lancashire Telegraph:

Blackburn reporter Shakil Salam was recognised for his work at Dunya News UK and Pendle Community Radio which boradcast in Urdu and English.

Shakil said: “I am delighted to receive a Mayor’s Medal for my work during pandemic to provide information and reporting. Both Dunya News UK and Pendle Community Radio have been providing update in community languages to inform local community about Covid-19, lockdown rules and vaccinations.

“This has been a great resource for community to understand and follow the guidelines to protect themselves and community.”