A BURGLAR who broke into a shed and then attacked the home-owner has been jailed after a DNA breakthrough.

The victim confronted Adrian Snape, of no fixed address, as he tried to burgle his home on Buckshaw Hall Close, Astley Village in November 2019.

As Snape tried to escape he hit the victim on the head and bit his arm through the balaclava he was wearing leaving a bite mark.

Police officers on the night obtained a swab of a bite mark injury from the victim, comparison statistical work and advancements in DNA forensic work showed that Adrian Snape was the offender with odds of one in a billion that he was not responsible.

Forensic was also completed on the recovered balaclava that also had Snape’s DNA on. Snape was arrested and sentenced at Preston Crown Court last week to five years and nine months for attempted burglary, assault and some unrelated offences.

Det Con Andrew Causey, of South CID, said: “This was an extremely concerning incident which understandably caused a lot of concern in the community, albeit offences like this are thankfully very rare.

“My thanks go to the attending officers on the night in securing vital evidence and the tenacious work by the scientists in completing the further work alongside the investigation team which has meant that we have been able to bring Snape to justice

 “I am satisfied with the sentence which reflects the gravity of the offending.”