THE man accused of indecently assaulting a 13-year-old girl on Darwen playing fields on Friday has appealed for a mystery witness to come forward.

Blackburn magistrates today heard Mark McCarren, 46, was accused of sexually assaulting the girl on playing fields near Marsh House Lane shortly after 7pm.

Richard Prew, defending, said his client denied the allegation and he was anxious to trace a teenage girl who he had spoken to minutes before the alleged attack.

“My client says he was out walking near his home on Blacksnape Road when he was approached by this girl,” said Mr Prew.

“She asked him for a cigarette, which he provided. He thinks she said her name was Jade or something like that before she left. Her evidence could be very important."

McCarren, of Blacksnape Road, Hoddlesden, was sent in custody to Preston Crown Court where he will appear on June 21.