A DISQUALIFIED driver tried to evade police by walking off down an unlit back alley.

Blackburn magistrates heard Mobeen Hussain Shah ignored a call from an officer to stop and instead tried a back gate before he was taken hold of and detained.

Shah, 36, of Pine Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified, with excess alcohol and without insurance.

He was sentenced to six weeks in prison suspended for 12 months, banned from driving for 42 months and ordered to pay £85 costs and £125 victim surcharge. He was also made subject to a community order for 12 months with 12 days rehabilitation activity requirement.

Malcolm Isherwood, prosecuting, said at 11pm police were given details of a vehicle in the hands of a possible drink-driver.

"Twenty five minutes later they saw the car come past them and they followed towards Haslingden town centre," said Mr Isherwood.

"It suddenly turned left and then stopped."

Mr Isherwood said an officer saw Shah get out of the driver's door before setting off down an unlit alley.

He later gave a breathalyser reading of 88 against the legal limit of 35.

Mr Isherwood said Shah had previous convictions for excess alcohol in 2013 and 2018.

Shoaib Afzal, defending, said his client was "extremely upset" to find himself in court again.

"He knows he has let himself and his family down," said Mr Afzal.

"He was socialising with a friend who was more intoxicated than he was. He foolishly made the decision to drive."