A SITE in Blackpool which was previously home to a controversial ghost train ride looks set to become the destination for a new hospitality venture.

Blackpool Council is looking for an operator to take over part of Flagstaff Gardens in South Shore which was home to the Carnesky’s Ghost Train until it was dismantled in 2014.

It is hoped the land, close to the Promenade between Withnel Road and Osborne Road, could attract a seasonal operator with the sale of food and drink among the potential options.

The ghost train was moved to Flagstaff Gardens after initially operating unsuccessfully in the Winter Gardens.

It attracted controversy after costing £285,000 to initially install. The investment was part of £875,000 the council had to allocate from its own budget to lever in £3.5m worth of grants from the North West Development Agency.

The land was later leased to Blackpool Pleasure Beach and last year a new toilet block was built by Danfo on the southern portion of the site.

A notice posted on North West procurement site The Chest, says the plot would be available between June 1 and January 12 2022 at a cost of at least £40,000 per year.

Access would need to be maintained to underground water tanks which are owned by United Utilities.

The notice adds: “Proposals are invited for a summer leisure use only with moveable structures to allow access to United Utilities’ facilities.

“Award will be based on most appropriate use for this prestigious site.”

Potential operators have until noon on Friday May 28 to submit their offers.