Police have been sharing tips on how to ask for support if you are 'being harrassed' on a night out.

Awareness of the campaign was being shared on the first weekend out of lockdown as rules changed and people were permitted to visit bars and restaurants for a meal inside.

The ‘Ask For Angela’ scheme allows people on dodgy dates, being harassed, suffering domestic violence or experiencing any other issues to get help from staff at licensed venues.

Anyone needing help can simply ask staff for 'Angela' as a trigger for support.

Posters are being distributed across venues in the county to raise awareness.

Licensing Sgt Gary Hennighan said: "With more venues opening up at last, this is a great time to reinvigorate this important scheme.

"Please share this far and wide to friends and loved ones so they can feel empowered if they are in a bad situation.

"Thanks to all the operators supporting this. Everyone I have spoken to so far is behind this. 100%."