A 'Glamping' hotspot has reopened to visitors with new facilities.

Many hospitality businesses were left devastated by the Government’s announcement of the need to close their doors during 2020/21 due to the Covid pandemic.

The team at The Red Pump Inn in Bashall Eaves have been working hard behind the scenes in readiness for reopening this week.

Significant time has been spent preparing the steak house restaurant, real ale bar and holiday accommodation safely, in line with the new Government guidelines.

During lockdown investment has been made enhancing the inn’s glamping facilities, four luxury glamping yurts and a new shepherd hut, with more scheduled for later in the year.

Owner of The Red Pump Inn, Jonathan Redhill said: “We’ve been getting more and more enquiries from people who want to come to the Red Pump and stay overnight.

"As families can’t take their usual holidays abroad, they are looking to stay local and enjoy a mini staycation."