A MAN who had been drinking at a friend's house "foolishly" decided to drive home at 5am.

Blackburn magistrates heard Jack Woodhouse crashed into a parked car on the way and was found to be nearly three times the legal drink-drive limit.

Woodhouse, 24, of Hodder Grove, Darwen, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.

He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 80 hours unpaid work, banned from driving for 23 months and ordered to pay £85 costs and £95 victim surcharge. The court heard he gave a reading of 91 against the legal limit of 35.

Katie Lord, prosecuting, said a resident of Sough Road, Darwen, was woken by a loud bang at 5am. He looked out to see a car in the road which had crashed into a parked BMW.

He notified the owner of the BMW and the police and went outside where he suspected the driver, Woodhouse, was under the influence of alcohol.

"He walked away from the scene but was seen by a police officer responding to the call from the witness and he was stopped and breathalysed," said Miss Lord.

Jonathan Taylor, defending, said it had been a moment of madness from his client who felt he had let himself down badly.

"Since he left the army 12 months ago he has found it difficult but had found a job he enjoys," said Mr Taylor.

"Unfortunately that job involves some delivery work and will not be available once he loses his licence."

Mr Taylor said Woodhouse had spent five years in the army and had only left because of an ankle injury.

"He is hopeful he will eventually be able to return to the army when that injury is sufficiently healed," said Mr Taylor.

"He had not intended to drive the car that night but made the foolish decision to move it closer to his own home."