A POCKET-sized yuletide leaflet to help people stay safe has been launched in the run up to the festive season.

Pendle Council launched a Safety in Numbers', designed to fit in to wallets or handbags to use on nights out, leaflet with essential information and numbers.

The leaflet includes a list of taxi numbers, safe drinking guidance and diet advice, important police and fire service phone numbers, smoking ban information and advice to help you work out your own alcohol consumption.

Environmental health officer Sheila Bell said: "There is increasing evidence that we are drinking to excess.

"This card contains gentle reminders of the responsibility we all have to look after ourselves and each other.

"The taxi numbers are really a must-have for anyone out socialising. The dangers of using unlicensed taxis cannot be stressed enough.

"I hope this little gift from Pendle Council will be useful in keeping people safe this Christmas and beyond."

Coun John David said: "This is a very catchy way of getting our message across and helping people stay safe while still having a good time.

"The card is an ideal size to fit into your pocket or wallet. I hope people will put it there before they go out - and use it appropriately throughout the night."

The cards are available from public buildings, police stations, some taxi offices and will be given out by police and licensing officers over the festive period.