A SCORNED lover who could not accept the fact his girlfriend no longer wanted to be with him launched a vicious attack upon her.

Daniel Allen’s terrified victim fled her Accrington home barefooted after the 30-year-old forced his fingers down her throat and smashed her head into a wall.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Allen was unwilling to accept that their relationship had come to an end and turned up at the woman’s house one afternoon.

Prosecuting the case, Jane Dagnall said: “The defendant and complainant had been together for two years and split in 2018 and her perception was that he seemed reluctant to let the relationship go.

“In October 2019 he attended her home uninvited. She suggested they go to get food as to get him out of the house, so they went to a local public house. When he asked, she said he had moved on. He became angry, spat in her face and she made a scene to draw attention to what was unfolding.”

It was heard how matters settled before the complainant returned home. Not long after she arrived back, the woman let her dogs out in the garden when she got the impression someone was outside of her home.

When she let the dogs back in the defendant burst into her home before placing his fingers in her mouth and down her throat in a bid to keep her quiet.

Ms Dagnall continued: “He pushed her head against a wall, and she couldn’t get away. Finally, he let go and she tried to leave. He grabbed her hair and pulled her back.

“She screamed, he let go and she fled her home without her shoes.”

The shaking woman ran to her mother’s house where police were called. Officers noted a golf sized lump on her head.

In defence it was argued that some credit should be given to Allen, of Queen Victoria Street, Blackburn, for his guilty plea.

Handing Allen a 12 month community order, Judge Sara Dodd said: “Your conduct towards your former partner was nothing short of appalling. There was an incident in a public house – I don’t sentence you in relation to that, but you didn’t leave it there.

“You went to her home and waited until she opened the door to let her dogs in and you went into the house. Your conduct must have been very frightening.

“She was distraught and shaking, she had been left with a lump on her head.

“It was a sustained incident and premeditated. It is aggravated by the fact this was an assault on a woman in her own home, a place she is entitled to feel safe.

“That said other than that you haven’t been in trouble for a considerable period. I bear in mind all that has been said about you – your own personal background, your work and the difficulties you were facing at the time of this offence.”

Allen must also carry out 100 hours of unpaid work and 25 days of rehabilitation. He must also take part in a Building Better Relationships course.