LOCKDOWN has given many people the chance to learn a new skill ­— but two Lancashire schoolgirls have taken it to the next level.

Summer Edmondson, 12, from Blackburn, and 10-year old Lacey Dunne from Blackpool, have mastered the art of contortion since the first lockdown.

Both girls began training with contortionist Pixie Le Knot in March 2020, having never had lessons before, and are now “clearly on their way to a successful career in contortion”, according to Pixie.

The girls have kicked up a social media storm, with Lacey gaining an impressive 33,000 following on Instagram, whilst Summer, who only joined the site in October, has amassed 15,400.

Lancashire Telegraph: Lacey Dunne and Summer Edmondson. Pictures: Instagram/@_kingsmanphotography_

Lacey Dunne and Summer Edmondson. Pictures: Instagram/@_kingsmanphotography_

Summer, who was a championship freestyle dancer, says she turned to contortion when the first lockdown forced her to switch from dancing to stretching in her small lounge.

“I came across Sofie Dossi’s America’s Got Talent audition and I was hooked. I found myself watching contortion every day and wanted to try it myself”, Summer said.

All their lessons have been conducted via Zoom, however both girls say this has not limited their progress.

Summer said: “No two lessons are the same and if it wasn’t for the Zoom training then I wouldn’t be where I am today. I’m actually thankful that I was able to make the most of lockdown.”

Lacey said: “I'm really happy with virtual lessons, I think you just have to work hard.”

Both girls practice contortion every day and put their motivation down to Pixie, with Lacey saying, “She is the best coach ever, she has taught me to do things I would’ve never thought I could do. She pushes me to be my best.”

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn schoolgirl Summer Edmondson, 12, and 10-year old Lacey Dunne from Blackpool, have mastered the art of contortion since the first lockdown

Summer (top) and Lacey (bottom). Summer says: “My friends and family think I’m crazy but also amazing!”

Summer and Lacey have since become friends due to their shared talent, and were able to meet up in Blackpool when lockdown was lifted last October.

Lacey said: “We had a great shoot together with Summer’s dad and had a really lovely day! Summer is really nice and supportive.”

Summer added: “I hope lockdown ends soon so we can meet up again.”

Lancashire Telegraph: Blackburn schoolgirl Summer Edmondson, 12, and 10-year old Lacey Dunne from Blackpool, have mastered the art of contortion since the first lockdown

Summer and Lacey in Blackpool. Lacey says: “I like to creep people out and see their reactions!”

Pixie, whose real name is Jennifer Keith, is a 33-year-old actress and acrobat who has featured in a variety of films and TV shows, including The Devil Inside, Mowgli and Game of Thrones.

As well as performing, Pixie coaches contortionists at her studio in North London, and has turned towards online teaching during the pandemic.

Pixie said: “Both have progressed at an incredible rate and reached a professional level in this short time.

“They came with opposite skills – Lacey was insanely naturally flexible but with no strength, whilst Summer came with heaps of strength and no flexibility.

“Both are now inhumanely flexible and strong due to their hard work and dedication.”

Both mums are also supportive of their daughters’ newfound hobby. Summer’s mum, Kathryn, said: “Summer works incredibly hard and absolutely lives for contortion, I try and get her to have one rest day per week but it never works out as she always ends up finding a way to train!”

Sadie Dunne added: “I'm so proud of how far Lacey has come in such a short amount of time, and it's good to see Lacey motivated during lockdown doing something that she really loves. I just can’t wait to see what the future holds!”