Heavy snowfall gave us all the perfect opportunity to create some unusual snow structures.

We take a look at some of the best sent in to us.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Here is one snow structure in the shape of Darwen Tower. Jen Feilding sent this image of her husband and children who built this in their garden.

Lancashire Telegraph:

This is one tall snowman! Zuzanna and her parents in Accrington finished making this giant of a snowman last night. Fifteen minutes later they had a knock on the door saying that someone ruined the snowman. They then went out fixed it.

Lancashire Telegraph:

And yet another huge snowman. Posted by Charlotte on our Facebook page. Great use of the cone!

Lancashire Telegraph:

Ava-Grace aged 3 and this took 5 and a half hours to 'nearly complete' (Posted by Gemma)

Lancashire Telegraph:

This is not the size of a house or is it? Posted by Amanda on our Facebook page

Lancashire Telegraph:

Okay this might not be an unusual snowman but it was certainly one of the cutest pictures posted: Here is 12 week old Henri’s first snowman  (Posted by Abbie)

Lancashire Telegraph:

This was created for little Frankie by Liam and his method (everyone take note) – ‘The blocks are made from compressed snow in a sandwich box cut to size.’

Lancashire Telegraph:

This is what happens when you don’t have enough snow left. But a lovely creation nonetheless.

Lancashire Telegraph:

 Elliott and Samuel inside the igloo they built.

Lancashire Telegraph:

We did have 10 but then were sent this giant who the family named 'Bruce' (Yes, they n amed the snowman!). Bruce is pictured with 3-year-old James.