SECRET Santa is asking for your help this year more than ever as the community interest company (CIC) gets ready to give children in Blackburn with Darwen 7,000 Christmas presents.

The coronavirus pandemic has hit everybody financially, but for families who were just about managing in the past, this Christmas may not be in the same as it has been before.

Phil and Karen Boulding, from Lower Darwen, started Secret Santa four years ago and are hoping that despite the virus, they can still help 1,000 children wake up with a smile on Christmas morning.

Phil said: “The pressure has now really been turned up with the latest Covid lockdown. What was once a challenging task is becoming more monumental by the week.

“Please don’t let Covid-19 steal Christmas. Many of these children, without the help of Secret Santa, will get next to nothing at all.”

The charity has already delivered 160 red bags for babies and one and two-year-olds to children’s centre distribution points.

Blackburn with Darwen has seen a rise in child poverty of 8.2% from 30.9% to 39.1%, meaning two fifths of families will struggle to give children a decent Christmas.

Phil said: “Just as demand for our services because of Covid are much lower, many of those in the elder groups that would be donating toys aren’t able to get out and about as much, which means that our supply of toys is much lower than previous years.

“Everyone is feeling this, not just us – we completely understand. It’s just that Christmas is such a huge time for children that we really don’t want to disappoint them.”

Each child will receive seven presents in their ‘red bag of joy’ - a selection box, stocking filler, book, board game or puzzle, sporty item, a teddy and a main present.

Lancashire Telegraph:

What a Secret Santa 'sack of joy' contains

Phil and Karen’s shop is based on the edge of Blackburn Mall on King William Street ,which the shopping centre has allowed them to use free as a thank-you for their generosity.

Due to the new lockdown, they are asking that people donate online on their JustGiving page while the shop is closed.

Each sack costs £25 and the duo have so far raised over £4,000, but would need £20,000 to be get presents to every child in need.

Phil has said there are tears when the presents arrive as parents know that their child will wake up with a gift on Christmas Day.

Phil added: “We are asking that if while out and about buying your own Christmas presents, perhaps you could buy just one more toy for a child that won’t get any this year without our help.

All about Secret Santa

Lancashire Telegraph:

THE LOWER Darwen duo’s children charity will be celebrating its fourth Christmas this year, and in such a short space of time, the company made thousands of children’s eyes glisten on Christmas morning.

Phil and Karen Boulding started Secret Santa back in late summer of 2017 with a hope to deliver 200 sacks of presents for local children who were living in poverty.

After promoting their work and gaining a following, the pair were noticed by Cllr Maureen Bateson, who is head of children, young people and education at Blackburn with Darwen Council.

Phil said: “As you get older you feel like you’d like to give something back to the community. I’d never been unemployed and so wasn’t really conscious of what the need was in Blackburn with Darwen.

“Initially, I was skipping around our island in the kitchen thinking ‘Woo Hoo – children’s services are going to support us’ – How wrong was I?”

In their meeting, she told them the demand was closer to 750 children in Blackburn with Darwen who would not be getting a Christmas gift that year - nearly four times their original estimation.

Phil thought that they would be able to build up to the number with plans to still deliver 200 sacks in 2017, but driving home, he couldn’t bear the thought that 500 children would wake up with no Christmas presents.

Phil added: “We amended our goal and that year we actually succeeded in delivering 750 red Secret Santa bags of joy.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Volunteers bagging up red sacks for 160 babies and toddlers

“The feeling of achieving that success during the first year spurred us on to have another go, and another and now here we are heading towards Christmas 2020 for our fourth year in a row.”

Each year, Peter Street, former owner of the Cardboard Box Company, has supported the duo, and two years ago Blackburn Rovers and the Rovers Community Trust donated to the charity.

Blackburn Cathedral has also got involved donating presents, as has Blackburn Audi.

In terms of individuals helping the cause, Cllr Bateson was gaffa taped to a wall, raising around £500 for the charity.

In 2019, The Mall in Blackburn asked shoppers to take pictures at the shopping centre’s new selfie wall wearing their favourite Christmas jumpers, which raised £2,000 for the charity.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Teddy bear take-over in the couples lounge. 800 teddies donated for children in Blackburn with Darwen

A year ago, the Secret Santa shop opened up on King William Street, which becomes a winter wonderland in the lead up to the festive season.

“For anyone thinking that these families are responsible for their own situations, the only thing that Secret Santa would say is it’s never the child’s fault.”

The presents are given to children’s services who then distribute them through social and health workers directly to those children and families most in need.

To help give children a Christmas they’ll never forget visit