A NEIGHBOURHOOD watch scheme has been set up for crime-conscious residents in Edenfield.

Ninety houses on Oaklands Road, Central Avenue, Woodlands Road and Bolton Road North are now involved with the scheme, set up by crime prevention officers, PC Phil Buck and PCSO Christine Longworth.

Melanie Wing, an Edenfield resident, volunteered to be the scheme co-ordinator.

PC Buck said: "The launch was a great success. It is good to see the members of the scheme in partnership with the police.

"The residents were issued with crime prevention literature and will be displaying stickers in their homes.

"Neighbourhood watch signs have been ordered for the estates and will be erected shortly.

"I'd like to thank everyone who donated towards the cost."

Anyone interested in setting up a scheme in their neighbourhood can contact PC Buck on 01706 237481.

Visit: www.lancashire.police.uk for more information.