LANCASHIRE'S Police and Crime Commissioner has hit out at the government following the announcement of a 2.5 percent pay rise for officers.

Despite welcoming the increase, Clive Grunshaw said it was 'disappointing' that the government would be seeking to fund the rise through existing budgets, leaving it to local forces to foot the bill.

He said: "For the government announce a pay rise without adequate funding shows how the government will happily give with one hand whilst taking with the other.

"The Home Secretary must reconsider her stance and her failure to properly fund the police in Lancashire."

Funding the pay rise using existing budgets means Lancashire Constabulary will have to find even more money out of its already stretched budget, as it's estimated the increase will cost around £6.8m, which will have to be found by making savings elsewhere.

Mr Grunshaw added: "It is disappointing that the government will seek to fund this pay rise and associated costs through existing budgets.

"The announcement is also likely to have an impact on the affordability of any increase in officer numbers. If we are to deliver the target of additional officers, we have to maintain the current level of staff.

"To maintain the current level of staff the cost of pay increases must be met.

"Without government funding to meet these costs, it will be extremely difficult to deliver the required uplift in officer numbers.

" Lancashire has the ambition and capability to deliver these officers, but this ambition needs to be matched by the government funding."