FLY-TIPPERS who dumped fifty black bags of rubbish in a back-alley are being pursued by a council.

The pile of waste sacks was found behind Greenway Street in Darwen by residents and local councillor Paul Browne, who lives nearby, a fortnight ago.

An emergency clearance squad was sent to remove the pile of bags and now Blackburn with Darwen Council environment boss Cllr Jim Smith believes the culprit has been identified.

He revealed this week that they had been ordered to pay a fixed penalty fine of £300 or face being taken to court.

Cllr Browne raised the issue at last week’s full Blackburn with Darwen Council Forum.

He told Cllr Smith: “I want to thank you for what he did in my area the other week when a gang came in the back streets and tipped over 50 bags of rubbish. I thought it was an absolute disgrace for people to do this sort of thing.

“We all know people do chuck two or three bags but not 50.

“I want to thank you and your staff. They were absolutely brilliant. They cleared it and it were immaculate. I’m only telling you that because they deserved to be praised.”

Cllr Smith said this week: “We are taking action on this. We have identified who we think is responsible and sent them a letter asking them to pay a fixed penalty of £300.

“If they don’t pay up, we are considering prosecution. This incident was disgraceful and totally unacceptable.”

Darwen East ward’s Cllr Browne said after the meeting: “I was there the week before the Council Forum meeting and they dumped 50 bags in the back alley behind my street, Greenway Street.

“I think we know who it was and have told Jim Smith.

“Fifty bags ­— I can’t believe it. It's disgusting.”

Darwen East Liberal Democrat Roy Davies spoke at the Council Forum about an increase in fly-tipping.

Mr Davies: “We do have some back streets that you can’t even walk down. I just wondered how long it’s going to be before we get these streets cleaned up?”

Cllr Jim Smith said: “I’ve been so proud our staff.

“I think it’s the same people throwing it in the back alleys who always throw it in the back alleys.”