THREE firefighters are to swap hoses for hiking boots as they take on an epic challenge to raise funds for causes close to their hearts.

Phil Riley, Joseph Hawke and Michael Crompton, all on-call firefighters at Rawtenstall station, will scale the Yorkshire three peaks to raise vital funds for childhood cancer charity A Child of Mine and the Firefighters Charity.

But that is not all as not only will they be attempting to reach the summit of the three peaks, but they will be doing it all in full fire kit and breathing apparatus – weighing around 30kg.

Mr Riley said: “We have decided to do this because the charities really depend on charitable donations to run, and with Covid-19 shutting down the country most charity events have ceased.

“This time last year, for example, I had already taken part at a coffee morning and a car wash.

In a joint statement on their fundraising page, the men added: “During these unprecedented times we are aware that charities and organisations aren’t hitting their usual targets from fundraising events nor are they getting the necessary help they require. We believe that A Child of Mine helps parents and siblings through terribly life changing events and know how dedicated and passionate these people are to offer such amazing care to families at their time of need.

“The Firefighters Charity has been chosen by us as we believe they offer immense support to firefighters and their families nationally, and know first hand the importance such a service has to the dedicated firefighters who have provided a vital service to the UK throughout their career.”

The men have been getting in some practice by using their free time to scale other peaks in the area carrying weights of 25kg each.

So far, the firefighters, who will undertake their challenge on August 8, have raised £1,335.

To find out more, keep up-to-date with their training and to donate visit