A BIKE has been seized on a golf course as part of a police operation to crack down on motorbike nuisance in Preston.

Officers launched Op Dismount following reports of anti-social behaviour relating to motorbikes and asked residents to let them know about incidents.

People have responded by sharing "numerous emails on a daily basis" including pictures and video footage of motorbike nuisance.

And today, Sunday, a motorbike was seized on Ingol Golf Course after it was reportedly being used "dangerously, travelling at high speeds with children who were not wearing any helmets or protective clothing".

A Preston Police spokesman said: "Thankyou to everyone who has taken the time to email us regarding motorbike nuisance in Preston.

"Since our last post we have been sent numerous emails on a daily basis with quality images and videos of offenders.

"Rest assured, we will look to prosecute these people where offences have been committed.

Today (Sunday) we have responded to the intelligence which you have provided us with and the below bike has been seized from Ingol Golf Course.

"From speaking to members of the local community, this bike was being used dangerously, travelling at high speeds with children who were not wearing any helmets or protective clothing.

"Enquiries relating to this are ongoing."

To send any information or evidence to the police as part of the operation to the police email OpDismount@lancashire.pnn.police.uk.