INDOOR performances can resume from August 1 in a “more significant return to normality".

At a press conference this morning, Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed the latest easing of lockdown restrictions.

Most remaining leisure centres will be allowed to reopen, with indoor performances with live audiences resuming in two weeks time.

Trials of larger gatherings in places like sports stadiums will also begin, “with a view to a wider reopening in the autumn”.

Mr Johnson said he hoped for a “more significant return to normality by November”, as he announced further reopening of the economy.

He said: “From August 1, we will reopen most remaining leisure settings, namely bowling, skating rinks, casinos and we will enable close contact services, beauticians to resume.

“Nightclubs, soft play areas – sadly – need to remain closed for now, although this will be kept under review.

“We will restart indoor performances to a live audience, subject to the success of pilots, and we will also pilot larger gatherings in venues like sport stadia, with a view to a wider reopening in the autumn.

“We will also allow wedding receptions for up to 30 people.”