A NEW initiative to support women across the county has been launched - with an added furry surprise in store.

The ‘pet cafe’ - an online meet-up for women and pets across Lancashire - has been launched in a bid to encourage women to seek any help or guidance they may require.

The sessions, which will take place over online video platform Zoom, have been organised by Lancashire Women, a charity which offers females support with a range of issues, from mental health to money struggles and emotional wellbeing.

A spokesman for the organisation said: “We know that pets can help us to see things from a different perspective – they can give us that much-needed ‘get up and go’ and we also know that sharing such positivity in itself enhances our lives and makes us feel better.

“The sessions will also allow you to share the benefits of pets with other women who might be considering getting one.

“We are women-centred and listened to women tell us how much they relied on their pets during lockdown for happiness and motivation to keep active. So we posted on our social media asking women to send in pictures of their pets – we were inundated with photographs and videos.

“Women telling us how much joy their pet brought to them gave us the inspiration to create an online group including pets.”

Once in the group, along with other like-minded women and their pets, therapists on the call will be exploring tools and techniques to support the wellbeing of participants.

With a focus on self-care and compassion, the goal of the group is to look at how women can start to ensure they give themselves the same love and attention that they give their pets.

Spaces are expected to fill up quickly, so those interested are being encouraged to register their interest by visiting https://lancashirewomen.org/get-support/mental-health/wellbeing-courses/the-pet-cafe.

The sessions will run every Monday for the next five weeks.