WILDLIFE charity Butterfly Conservation and celebrity naturalist Chris Packham have launched this year’s Big Butterfly Count with a chance for residents in East Lancashire and around the UK to reconnect with nature.

The event, which is open to all, invites people to spend time counting and observing butterflies in order to help the charity carry out its annual survey.

Spring saw the earliest average emergences of butterflies for the last 20 years, and as a result Butterfly Conservation received thousands of extra enquiries about butterfly and moth sightings.

Chris Packham said: “While so many of us have had a bit more time to appreciate the nature on our doorsteps during the lockdown period, and learning about the natural world has been a mindful distraction from uncertainty, this is a real chance to do something positive and contribute to conserving nature.

“Butterflies and moths are key indicators of the health of our environment, and anyone can help contribute to our understanding of these incredible creatures by taking part in in the Big Butterfly Count.

“The sightings you submit will be used to map and measure populations and the geographic spread of species across the UK. We’re asking everyone who has been given a helping hand from nature this year to return the favour.”

This year could see some particularly interesting results, according to senior surveys officer at Butterfly Conservation, Dr Zoë Randle.

She said: “The very sunny spring weather meant that almost all butterfly species have emerged early this summer, so we’re hoping for some interesting data.

She added: “We’ve seen an incredible amount of interest from people who have been out and about in their gardens and local areas spotting butterflies for the first time, from children learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly from a caterpillar found in their own back gardens to adults who have spotted a fluttering red admiral while exercising outside instead of at the gym.

“Nature has really shown its true value to us this year, but it is still under threat. Now, more than ever, we must all do our little bit to protect it.”

More information is available online at Bigbutterflycount.org.