A BOROUGH highways boss has condemned 'very dangerous and completely unacceptable driving' during the coronavirus lockdown.

Blackburn with Darwen Council's Cllr Phil Riley revealed his staff have been actively supporting the police's 'Operation MantaRay' crackdown on reckless motorists.

His comments follow several drivers being caught speeding in recent weeks including one doing 67mph in a 30mph limit on Whalley New Road, Blackburn, and another doing 66mph in a 30mph limit on Bolton Road, Darwen.

Cllr Riley said: " My team has undertaken weekly speed surveys and sent all speeding evidence to the police to help target their efforts.

"Unfortunately, there has been a surge in very dangerous and completely unacceptable driving during the coronavirus lockdown due to the roads being suddenly quieter.

"We are pleased action has been taken and some of the reckless drivers are facing prosecution.We are urging residents to please make sure they are sticking to speed limits and staying aware."

Chief Inspector Sue Bushell of the Lancashire Police Tac Ops team said: "We have witnessed some shocking and unacceptable driving behaviour on our roads in the last couple of months and so Operation MantaRay will continue. Speed limits are there for a reason and are the maximum speed for that road, not a target”.