WHILE thousands of children have had their birthday parties cancelled due to coronavirus, a six-year-old got a special surprise when police dog units paid her a visit.

Poppy Grantham from Altham, has been staying at home helping self-isolate to stop her disabled brother from getting the virus as he is on the high-risk groups.

Her mum posted on Facebook about Poppy on Facebook and it was picked up by the Police Dogs Unit and they visited her with a present and a special card and the dogs too.

Mum-of-two Nicola said: "We are shielding at the moment our son Lennon has Mowat Wilson syndrome and is very high risk category.

"Obviously it meant that we could not have any family or friends round for her birthday.

"It meant we had to cancel her party and she was looking forward to it but we have to protect ourselves and Poppy knows that.

"She is obsessed with dogs, cats and all animals so it was a surprise the next day when the cars came with the lights flashing and the dog unit came to us.

"They brought her a special card and a present of some nail varnish which she has been doing nails.

"They also brought some chocolate for her brother too.

"It was such a nice thing to do and take time out to see the children and show that police are not just there to arrest people and they come to help.

"It was great as we have some kids on our estate and they saw the car which had Happy Birthday playing in it."

The 32-year-old mum added that Poppy has been regularly clapping for keyworkers every Thursday night.

Nicola said: "Poppy goes out every week and she appreciates all the nurses, doctors and the police to say thanks."

Lancashire Police Dogs Unit posted on Facebook about Poppy.

It said: "The happy little lady in the photo is Poppy.

“It was Poppy’s 6th birthday and (like lots of others) had to postpone her party.

“Poppy is an amazing sister to her disabled brother who knows how wonderful our NHS is so before #clapforcarers Poppy received a surprise visit from PD Rhyker & Harri, which made her day.

“Hope you had the best birthday ever, Poppy”.