Forget the familiar turkey curry and traditional pie - staples of the Boxing Day leftover dishes.

We've got some mouth-watering recipes for Boxing Day food with a twist.

Swap the turkey curry for turkey fajitas

Bridget Jones has immortalised the turkey curry buffet, and we have nothing against it - especially if there's naan involved, and mango chutney, and even more importantly, crisp onion bhajis.

In fact, a zingy Thai green turkey curry would change things up at least a little bit, and make you feel virtuous for eating stir-fried veg that hasn't been doused in goose fat and blitzed in the oven.

However, why not consider Mexican instead? Boxing Day fajitas offer plenty of virtuous veg - onions, peppers and all the guacamole you can physically eat.

They are also a non-parch inducing way to reuse your leftover turkey, as they come with lots of spicy tomato sauce and sour cream, and the carbs in the wraps should help soak up the Christmas Day booze.

Best of all, fajitas are help yourself if you just place all the bits on the table - so no flashbacks to having to carefully divvy up pigs-in-blankets fairly.

Gaz Oakley's vegan kebab from your Christmas leftovers

The Avant-Garde Vegan has you sorted for Boxing Day.

After you’ve smashed the main meal, the next challenge is to figure out what to do with all those leftovers.


For the ‘meat’:

200g slow-roast ‘beef’, shredded

1tsp smoked paprika

1/4tsp cayenne pepper

1/2tsp ground cumin

1/2tsp ground coriander

1/2tsp dried garlic powder

2tsp dried mixed herbs

Pinch of sea salt and pepper

3tbsp vegetable oil

For the mint yogurt:

285g dairy-free plain yogurt

Handful of fresh mint leaves, finely chopped

7.5cm piece of cucumber, deseeded and finely chopped

1 garlic clove, crushed

1/2tsp paprika

1tsp sea salt

Juice of 1/2 lemon

2tbsp extra virgin olive oil (optional)

For the salad:

2 baby gem lettuces, shredded

2 medium tomatoes

1/2 red onion, finely sliced

Handful of fresh coriander

4-6 pickled chilis, from a jar

To serve:

Toasted pitta bread or flat breads

Hot sauce

Lemon wedges


1. First up, mix all the ingredients for the ‘meat’ together in a large mixing bowl. Cover and set aside to allow the flavours to mingle.

2. Meanwhile, put all the ingredients for the mint yogurt in a mixing bowl and stir well to combine. Cover with cling film and chill in the fridge until you’re ready to serve.

3. Heat a large, non-stick pan over a high heat, then add the ‘meat’ and cook for four to five minutes. Stir often and try and get lots of colour on the ‘meat’.

4. To serve, fill your pitta breads or flat breads with generous amounts of the ‘meat’, the various salad elements and a dollop of mint yogurt. A drizzle of hot sauce adds a nice kick and a squeeze of lemon juice brings all the flavours together.

Phil Vickery’s Turkey Bubble and Squeak with Poached Eggs

Serves 4

25g unsalted butter

1 small onion, peeled and finely chopped

450g potatoes, cooked and mashed

350g cooked British turkey thigh, chopped

300g cooked cabbage or spinach, chopped

salt and freshly milled black pepper

3 tbsp olive oil

dry breadcrumbs

2 tbsp flour

1 egg lightly beaten

vegetable oil for cooking

4 lightly poached eggs

Jar of hollandaise sauce

1 bag of watercress

150g French beans, cooked

  • Heat the butter in a frying pan and cook the onions for 2-3 minutes, until slightly soft and translucent.
  • Place the mashed potatoes, cooked onions, turkey, cabbage and salt and pepper into a bowl and mix well.
  • Add the olive oil and a few dry breadcrumbs to form a firm but not stiff mixture.
  • Form the mixture into four balls, flatten on both sides to make thick cakes, and dust with flour.
  • Brush the cakes all over with egg and coat with more breadcrumbs.
  • Heat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil in a frying pan and cook the cakes on both sides for 3 minutes until golden brown.
  • Place a little watercress on a warm plate, top with a cake, and a poached egg on top. Serve with French beans and hollandaise sauce.