AN INNOVATIVE new scheme is hoping to get young jobless people into employment through sports coaching.

The Strike for Life' project, the first in East Lancashire directed at unemployed 16 to 25 year-olds, offers youngsters the chance to get qualifications in sports coaching in the morning and life skills in the afternoon.

The five week scheme, funded with European Urban 2 money through Burnley Council, is the brainchild of Waheed Rashid, Burnley Council's youth engagement officer.

Working with 14 partner agencies including Lancashire Sports and the Army, the scheme will coach people in various sports, including football and basketball, together with numeracy and literacy skills.

Mr Rashid said: "The aim of the project is to use sport, in particular football, as the incentive to engage young people on courses, seminars and qualification certificates.

"It is hoped that this will provide participants with qualifications and experience to gain employment in the leisure, recreation and physical activity sector.

"My main emphasis is to use sports effectively to try and get people training and employment opportunities.

"This is the first scheme in Lancashire and there is nothing like this anywhere else."

Councillor Roger Frost, Burnley Council's executive member for leisure, said: "It is great to see opportunities for young people to develop their path onto training and employment through engaging in sport."

The scheme is open to unemployed people, who are not in further education and are receiving benefits and will be launched on October 29.

People can also get involved through the football coaching sessions, which will lead up to the scheme.More information can be obtained from Waheed Rashid on 01282 425011.