PLANS for on the outskirts of a historic industrial East Lancashire town could be a blight on the countryside, borough planners have warned.

An application was submitted to Hyndburn Council earlier this year for a ten log cabin ‘glamping’ site for Blackburn Old Road, Great Harwood.

Local businessman Ian Robinson submitted the outline application for half an acre of pasture land near the Dean Clough Reservoir beauty spot.

His proposal for ten timber ‘wigwam’ cabins on the vacant site near Black Leach Farm would need special approval by Hyndburn Council's planning committee as it is on protected ‘green belt’ countryside.

If approved, it would be the first such project in the borough.

But a report to go before next week’s planning committee recommends members vote to deny planning permission for the development.

During the consultation process, residents raised concerns about noise pollution, as well as increased traffic and litter.

And planning officers have deemed the proposal would constitute inappropriate development in the Green Belt that would have an unacceptable impact upon its openness.

They say the economic benefits associated with the development do not outweigh the harm arising to the Green Belt.

Members will take a final decision on the application next week.

If refused, this would be the second time the proposed glamping site has been thrown out by planners.

A previous application was refused last year on the grounds that the proposal would constitute inappropriate development in the green belt.

Officers did not believe that the applicant had demonstrated very special circumstances sufficient to outweigh the harm.

A report to go before the committee states: "It is considered that the proposed development would seriously alter the character of the land on which it would be situated by way of what would be 10 glamping pods, a reception and office building as well

as an extensive area of hardstanding on what is a currently grassed area for a car park area with associated access.

"Even though the north western boundary of the site is screened by high mature hedgerows which would largely hide the development from view from passersby, it would be apparent that development exists there.

"Additionally, the residents of Black Leach Farm which is adjacent to the site would be able to view the proposal.

"The proposal would result in development where none existed before. It would also likely generate additional vehicle movements by way of comings and goings.

"As a result, the proposal would have a significant effect on openness and character of the landscape in relation to the development of permanent structures and hardstanding."