WORKERS at a gifts firm are completing six 12-hour shifts a week in "excessive" efforts to earn cash before Christmas.

A trade union has slammed bosses at Express Gifts in Church for allowing staff, many of whom are Eastern European, to work such long hours.

But the company said that while such long shifts are worked, no-one is forced to do them.

Roy Cattle, president of the Hyndburn and Rossendale Trades Union Council said: "I have been given reports that temporary staff are working from 8am to 8pm six days a week.

"These are unreasonable hours and it seems the company is taking advantage of the Polish and other workers it employs.

"This is clearly against the spirit of the Working Time Regulations. Employees should know that if they have agreed to opt-out they can withdraw their agreement at any time."

European rules forbid employers from forcing workers to complete weekly shifts of more than 48 hours.

But staff can opt-out if they sign an agreement.

A spokesman for Express Gifts said: "There is certainly no pressure from the company for staff to work more than the standard 47 and a half hours a week maximum.

"There are a lot of staff who have opted out. They have requested extra hours, they are not forced into it.

"At this time of year many people want to make a little bit more money and that is their choice."

Hugh Evans, from Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, said: "Polish workers have a reput-ation of being very hard working and that is why across Lancashire they are extremely valued by employers."