A WOMAN slipped her handcuffs and escaped from a police car while under arrest, a court heard.

Burnley Crown Court was told how Heidi Jane McDowell was arrested after officers were called to an address on Bank Street in Barnoldswick at around 1.15am in January of 2018.

But rather than comply with officers, the 34-year-old put up a fight and had to be handcuffed before she was bundled into the back of a police car.

Prosecuting, Hanifa Patel said: “After she was placed in the car she slipped her handcuffs and was able to escape.

"She was located a short while later hiding in the bathroom at a friend's house.

"She told officers that she had escaped by getting out of her handcuffs and running away.”

Defence barrister Mark Stewart told the court Ms McDowell, who is unemployed, was in no position to pay a fine for her crime but would be willing to undertake community service.

He said: “My client’s husband left her a while back and that sent her into a tailspin, so to speak.

“The bottom line here is she is a single woman with a mortgaged property, who has been suffering from anxiety and depression.

"She is currently unable to work.”

McDowell, of Bank Street, Barnoldswick, has previously been convicted twice for four offences dating back to 2011.

She pleaded guilty to escaping from lawful custody and Judge Jonathon Gibson ordered her to complete 40 hours of unpaid work.

He said: “You took an opportunity to slip the handcuffs and get out of the back of the police car although you had been arrested.

"You are however lightly convicted and not a danger to the public.”

The offence for which McDowell was originally arrested was never pursued by police.