A WOMAN who went off on a courtroom rant was threatened with jail after she called a District Judge a racist.

Hannah Kasim was appearing before the court in Blackburn for failing to comply with a community order. She refused to listen to the probation service version of events and started shouting about not receiving appointments.

She claimed the whole system was “corrupt” and when District Judge James Clarke told her to be quiet and listen she called him a racist.

Kasim, 30,of Johnston Street, Blackburn, was taken to the cells and told she faced 28 days in prison for contempt of court. The defendant was spoken to by duty solicitor Jonathan Taylor and when she was brought back into court later in the day apologised for her earlier behaviour.

Mr Taylor said she had not called the District Judge a racist but had been referring to the police officers who had originally dealt with her.

District Judge Clarke said he took the apology as purging the contempt. He said nobody was trying to make things difficult for Kasim.

“Everyone is entitled to have their say in this court but that should be done courteously,” he added.

Kasim admitted breach of her order. The alcohol treatment element of the order was extended by two months.