POLICE who went to check on the welfare of a woman outside Shadsworth leisure centre in the early hours of the morning ended up arresting her.

Blackburn magistrates heard Amy Diane Holt became abusive and aggressive towards the officers and accused them of stealing her mobile phone.

Holt, 27, of Skye Crescent, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to using threatening behaviour.

She was fined £80 and ordered to pay £35 victim surcharge.

Catherine Allan, prosecuting, said police told Holt they just wanted to make sure she was safe and well.

"She was very agitated and her demeanour was angry," said Miss Allan.

"She threatened an officer and walked towards them with her fist raised."

Imran Hussain, defending, said his client was well known to the mental health services.

"In the early hours of this morning she was feeling suicidal and contacted the care team," said Mr Hussain.

"They contacted the police who attended and were concerned for her welfare. She accepts her behaviour towards them was inappropriate."