A MAN banned from one police station because of his nuisance behaviour turned up at another nick and created a disturbance.

Blackburn magistrates heard Keiron McKillop was “aggressive and agitated” and told an officer if she didn’t arrest him he would go and get a knife and stab her.

McKillop, 26, of Preston New Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to using threatening behaviour. He was fined £120.

Catherine Allan, prosecuting, said McKillop was subject to a criminal behaviour order which prohibited him from approaching the police station in Ainsworth Street, Blackburn, where he was a persistent nuisance.

“At 4.20pm on Tuesday he turned up at the Greenbank Police Station front counter where he started shouting and making reference to being assaulted,” said Miss Allan. “The threat was made about the knife and, although he did not have a knife on him, the threat was there.”

Mark Williams, defending, said his client had been in court on Friday for breaching the criminal behaviour order by attending Ainsworth Street to report an assault on himself.

“He still wanted to report the assault so went to Greenbank police station which is not included in the criminal behaviour order,” said Mr Williams. “He was making a nuisance of himself but it is the comment about the knife which led to his arrest.”

Mr Williams said his client’s use of spice - the former legal high - was causing the problems.

“There are mental health issues but they are exacerbated by spice,” said Mr Williams.

The criminal behaviour order was imposed in July after McKillopwas seen walking down Whitebirk Drive, Blackburn, with a brick in his hand while high on spice.