A town council has welcomed a new Town Crier this week.

Darryl Counsell was officially introduced to his new role as Darwen Town Crier by Mayor of Darwen, Councillor Roy Davies, at Darwen Town Council's meeting on Tuesday.

He said: "I've already got a lot of events booked into my schedule and am delighted to have been officially welcomed as Darwen's new Town Crier."

Mr Counsell was appointed on February 19, and says he's also looking forward to bringing some colour and a loud presence to the town.

Currently the Town Crier for Sefton, Mr Counsell will remain in that role but will also appear at many of the events being held in Darwen over the coming months.

Councillor Davies said: "I'm proud to welcome Mr Counsell as Darwen's Town Crier and I'm sure he will do a magnificent job."

The Town Crier tradition dates back to medieval times when their job was to inform the people living in a town of the latest news, proclamations, bylaws and other important information.