A POSTMASTER has spoken of his shock after thieves broke into his premises through a brick wall.

It is the fifth time in four years that Highercroft post office, Manxman Road, Blackburn, has been targeted by a gang of youths in balaclavas.

The latest incident happened in the early hours of Monday, when the group of about five youths removed bricks from a solid wall at the rear of the building.

They scrambled through the 4ft by 3ft hole, then stole cash, cigarettes and scratchcards, total value £700.

Postmaster Moin Mathia, 35, said he felt "horrible" after looking at CCTV footage of the thieves walking around his shop at 2.40am.

He added: "We have a shop as well as a post office here.

"The police have been down and looked about but don't do seem to be doing anything about it."

Masood Akhtah, a close friend of the postmaster who has helped with security measures at the premises said: "It's a disgrace that burglars are breaking in time and time again and getting away with it.

"The alarm system keeps failing, so we may as well leave the door wide open and they can help themselves."

It is unclear how the bricks were removed but Mr Mathia has had to repair the solid wall.

He is waiting for insurance reports to properly add up the cost of the break-in. He added: "It's a solid brick wall, so they must have been determined.

"Nobody lives above the shop so we didn't hear it going on.

"It's the second time that burglars have gone in that way.

"The other times we have been burgled they have got into the shop by forcing the front door.

"They have stolen thousands of pounds worth of things over the years."

The thieves left through the same hole in the wall they entered by.

The incident was reported to the police after the alarm was triggered and an investigation has been launched.

Anyone with information about any of the incidents is urged to contact their local police station.

The burglary has not affected business and the post office and shop are open as usual.