AN ambitious teenager is rounding up volunteers for a swimming world record attempt in Darwen.

Sam Corsan, 17, from Belmont, is behind a bid which should see 100 swimmers complete 50 freestyle metres of the pool in just 45 minutes.

He has been inspired by his grandmother, Dorothy Mitchell, to stage a fundraising swimming gala at the town's baths for this Sunday, which will be rounded off by the record bid.

She suffers from PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy, a rare and incurable form of dementia and all money collected while fund future research into the condition.

Sam, a sixth former at Turton College who swims for Horwich Amateur Swimming Club, said: "The current record is held by an Irish team, which is 46 minutes and 38 seconds."

Swim firm Aqua Sphere has donated caps for the cause.

His dad Colin added: "He has more than 40 swimmers signed up but is still on the lookout for more."

Swimmers who can support the bid are being asked to call the family on 01204 811196.