A RECYCLING centre officer was assaulted and racially abused when he tried to stop a man taking a television from the site, a court was told.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Arif Patel told worker Mark Rivers he was going to get someone to "rip him to pieces", before kicking him in the leg.

Patel, 29, of Shear Brow, Blackburn, admitted assaulting Mr Rivers. He was sentenced to 120 days in prison suspended for 18 months, ordered to do 200 hours unpaid work, made subject to community supervision for 12 months and ordered to pay £100 compensation and £60 costs.

Claire Grant, prosecuting, said Mr Rivers was working at the George Street West recycling centre, Darwen. The general rule was that if people using the site wanted to give or exchange items with other people, that was acceptable, but items that had been left at the site could not be removed.

"What you can't do is walk in and help yourself," said Mrs Grant. "This especially applies to TVs, fridges, gas bottles and the like which can contain hazardous waste." Mr Rivers saw Patel removing a TV and told him he couldn't take it.

"The defendant became aggressive and said he was not putting it back," said Mrs Grant. "He used offensive racist language before kicking Mr Rivers on the leg."

Basharat Ditta, defending, said Patel did not wish to challenge the comments attributed to him but did say they were out of character and said in the heat of the moment.

"He also says the television was given to him by the man who had brought it to the site," said Mr Ditta. "He took exception to being challenged but can't excuse his behaviour.

"His father tells me that he has spoiled this man since he was a small boy and when he can't get his own way he spits out the dummy," said Mr Ditta.