A YOUNG man making his way home after a night out in Clitheroe was punched unconscious when he asked another man if he had had a good night.

Blackburn magistrates watched CCTV footage which showed Steven Paul McLean punch his victim and then calmly turn and walk away.

As he fell to the floor Matthew Whipp collided with a female companion, Sarah Patchet, who injured her nose.

McLean, 24, of Holden Street, Clitheroe, pleaded guilty to assaulting Mr Whipp causing him actual bodily harm and assaulting Miss Patchett. He was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Scott Ainge, prosecuting, said Mr Whipp had no idea what happened.

"He says he was walking along the street with friends and the next thing he knew he was coming round on the floor outside Tesco," said Mr Ainge. "Miss Patchet has a clearer recollection and says Mr Whipp said "Hi" to the defendant as they passed. For that he was punched in the face and knocked unconscious.

"This can only be described as an unprovoked attack and you may feel the defendant walked away in a calm and callous way, leaving his victim on the floor," added Mr Ainge.

Basharat Ditta, defending, said his client was currently applying to join the army having previously worked as a postman.

On the night of the incident he had been walking home when a comment was made and he took it the wrong way.

"He misheard what was said but there is no excuse for his behav-iour," said Mr Ditta.