On Monday 3rd September 2007 from 2.30 pm to 4.00pm the members of the Rishton Poetry Group met in Rishton Library to discuss the progress and success of their first small-scale publication of members poetry, the profits from the sale of which are to go to the East Lancs Hospice (£2.50 per copy from Rishton Library).

The booklet of 'Short Poems' was initiated by member Patricia Fawcett. A lot of work went into the compilation, arrangement and illustrations. Patricia's husband Allen helped with the printing and members were asked to proof read their contributions before publication.

There are still a few copies for sale via Michelle, the Librarian. It is hoped more copies can be produced and then possibly sold through the Hospice's shop in Blackburn where they raise funds for their charity selling clothes and bric-a-brac.

At the meeting, members had a brain-storming session to bring together some themes to inspire future poems. Gardens, feelings, colours and celebrations were some of the topics that will be used for the Group. The members also study the work of established poets and recently looked at the verses and life of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas.

During National Poetry Week in October, Rishton Library are planning to display a selection of community poems on the theme of 'Dreams'. Local schools, churches and community groups will be invited to contribute to this collection. More details from the Library.

The next Poetry Group meeting will be on Monday the 1st October 2007 at 2.30pm in Rishton Library. We will be following up our current theme of 'Gardens'. All are welcome.

(From script prepared by W.A.Flanagan.)