SOLDIERS from Lancashire will still be heading out to war-torn Basra despite the large-scale withdrawal of troops from the city centre.

The 1st Battalion of the Duke of Lancashire's Regiment will begin their planned six-month tour of duty on the southern Iraqi city in November.

But they will be based at an airfield outside Basra after British troops were moved out of the city to allow Iraqi security forces a more central role in law enforcement.

Troops moved out of Basra Palace but will retain security responsibility for Basra.

The Ministry of Defence said that responsibility will remain with British forces until they hand over full control to the Provincial Iraqi Control, which is anticipated to happen in the autumn.

UK forces will assume an "overwatch" role but could "re-intervene" if necessary.

In June the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Lancashire's Regiment returned from Basra after their six-month tour of duty in the region.

Both battalions take all of their soldiers from the North West, with the majority coming from Lancashire.

The 1st Battalion is now completing the last part of training in Germany before their posting.

Army spokesman Kevin Hegarty said: "The current situation in Basra does not change the plans of the battalion.

"It has always been the intention to move troops out of the city once the situation was such that the Iraqi forces could take control.

"That has been the plan for a long time.

"Troops are still in and around Basra and we will make sure that the time is right when a complete withdrawal takes place."

A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: "Handing over Basra Palace to the Iraqi authorities has long been our intention, as we have stated publicly on numerous occasions.

"The Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) want to take full responsibility for their own security and the handover is a step towards that goal.

"The decision is an Iraqi-led initiative and is part of a coalition-endorsed process, developed in consultation with the Iraqi government, and follows the successful handover of several other bases within and around the city."

Around 5,000 British troops are still based in southern Iraq.

The regiment was formed following the merger of the former Queen's Lancashire Regiment and two other North West regiments.