After a short summer break, the Rishton PROSPECTS Panel meets again on Tuesday 4th September 2007 at the Primetime Community Centre, Stourton St commencing at 7.00pm. Non members are very welcome to attend and take part. In fact we are always looking for new members. Anyone who is keen to be involved in improving the local environment and quality of life for the people of Rishton will find plenty of scope in the Panel's activities. If you are interested you can contact the Secretary, Colin Cooper on 01254-885007 or just turn up to the meeting.

The Panel is one of seven such Panels in Hyndburn who come under the umbrella of the PROSPECTS Foundation. The Rishton Panel was formed in 1996 and its projects have included the creation of a community garden on the corner of Hermitage St and Parker St; the creation of five flower/shrubbery beds on the canal towpath at High St bridge; the planting of a shrubbery with Norden YC on the Harwood Rd Recreation Ground; the clearance of encroaching grass and overhanging trees on the 'white path'; similar work to clear the canal towpath from High St bridge to Tottleworth bridge; creation of a picnic area at Tottleworth bridge and the installation of a viewing point and information board nearby; the installation of ornamental gates to the towpath at High St and Norden bridges, the latter in conjunction with Norden HS and Sports College.

The latest project is the official adoption by the Panel of Rishton railway station under Northern Rail's station adoption scheme. Planters of flowers installed by the Panel have complemented upgrading of the shelters and other improvement work funded by LCC. All this aimed at encouraging more people to travel by rail and so help the environment. In line with this aim, LCC are also planning to refurbish the car park and establish a 'park 'n ride' facility.

We also try to raise awareness of environmental issues like global warming. And we support other community groups in Rishton in their efforts to tackle local issues like juvenile nuisance.

If you feel this is the sort of voluntary activity you would like to be involved in, do come and join us. We need new ideas as well as willing hands to maintain what we have done and to extend it.